Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I Challenge You to a Sword Fight

Sometimes, I have to let go of my love for order and let the kids go a little crazy. 

Today happened to be that day. 

For some reason, my classroom has a lot of pool noodles cut in half. The kids grabbed them and started to sword fight in the classroom. When more than 2 kids joined, I took them outside. Boy, did they have a blast. 

The kids ganged up on eachother, on me and my teen helper, and we even attacked the house parent that was going to the giant 15 passenger van. When we attacked the house parent, he grabbed our extra noodles and started fighting us around the parking lot (no worries, we are the only one using it, and we watch carefully when we are doing activities in the parking lot).  The kids lost :p

I love these kids that challenge me to better myself and my love for order. 

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