Saturday, September 5, 2015

I'm Back, and Better Than Ever!

Hello, blog world!
Last summer, I blogged about my summer internship at NAOMI House.  For those who are unaware of what this is, NAOMI stands for Native American Outreach Ministries.  It is basically a foster home/emergency placement home for Navajo and other Native American tribes. 
I had the time of my life last summer.  I got back to Kentucky, and I felt so unsettled.  After praying and talking to some dear friends, I realized that my heart and my home was no longer in Kentucky, I was called to work at NAOMI House. Even though I wanted the move to be immediate, I decided to finish up my Associate's Degree, and to save up money (thankfully!).
Soooooo, on July 18, 2015, I left my home of 21 years and made my move to Arizona!

This move was the most scary thing I have ever had to do.  I was going to be living without my parents...I would not have the comfort and security of living at home.  I would not have the comfort of having all my friends near me.  I would not have the comfort of making more than double the income I make now.  I honestly struggled with all of these factors the entire time I was preparing to make my move here.  If I let myself think about it, I still worry about every single factor that was just mentioned.  But you know what, God has got me covered! He called me to be here! He will provide in every way that I truly need, even if it is not in the way I anticipate (funny how God knows best!:] )

While I am working here (which will be until I feel like God is calling me to be somewhere else), I am the preschool teacher for such lovely, adorable kiddos, and a childcare assistant,  This goes from basic childcare, to driving children to doctor appointments, random shopping trips, church, and anywhere else we decide to go. 

As mentioned above, I am the preschool teacher here.  I also struggled often with my ability to teach these children well.  I am barely out of college, with half of a degree at that.  I feel crazy unqualified! BUT...the week before I moved, my Pastor did a sermon on how God does not call the equipped, he equips the called,  He also said that if we feel like we can do something else or be somewhere else, we are not doing what we are called to do,  Well guess what, I feel like I am exactly where I am called to be,  There is no greater feeling to be where God wants me to be.  I have never been happier and more content with my life.

With all this being said, I shall close this blog post.  Sorry for talking your ear off (I need friends...hahahaha), hope to see you back here soon! I will *hopefully* post at least once a week...we shall see how that goes.

Until next time,
Ashley :)

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