Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Motivtional Story

All during my 21 years of life, I have always been taught to love God, to pray to God, to worship God, make God and His perfect will be your life.
I literally grew up in church. I attended my first service when I was 3 days old, and as a child, I was in church whenever the doors were open.  I loved participating in anything my church had to offer. I sang on the children's choir, I danced during worship, I did sign language during worship, I even played piano and bass during worship.  It seems like worship may be something I love!

At the age of 12, I knew that I was supposed to work with children, specifically preschool age, for the rest of my life.  I worked with the kids at my church, I worked at daycares, I babysat.  It pained me to see children hurting in any way, shape, or form.

Summer of 2014, I came to NAOMI House as an intern.  I absolutely fell in love with the children, the culture, and the overall ministry that NAOMI House was and still is. Going back to my home in Kentucky was so hard to do.  Not even a month after being back in Kentucky, I knew I was called to move to Arizona.  Wait...WHAT! I was about to graduate college.  I have never lived on my own.  I have never spent more than 5 weeks without my parents. I doubted myself like crazy.  I doubted God, and what seemed to be His will for my life.  He must have been crazy.

For years, I had a sign on my closet door that read 'Trust and Obey, God will do the rest'. My mom constantly reminded me that all I have to do when I felt like I couldn't make this move, that I was going to fail at my calling, is to TRUST God.  He is capable of WAY more than I could ever imagine. He called me to this ministry, and He was going to equip me with what I need to be successful.  My mom also told me I needed to OBEY God. So I did just that...I moved 2000 miles away from my friends, family, and my comfort.  I am living in my most favorite place on Earth doing what I know God has called me to do. I get to teach these children about God, I get to love on these children, and my most favorite part: I get to impact their life for the better.
And guess what? I play piano on the praise team at my new church.  Not even a month after being here, we played the hymn 'Trust and Obey' (didn't even know it was a hymn).  God has a nice way of reassurance, even if it is by a song referencing something you made years ago.

"O LORD Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you."- Psalm 84:12

Until next time,
Ashley :)

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