Friday, June 20, 2014

Clothes, clothes, and more clothes.

Over the course of 3 days, Elizabeth (the other intern) and I organized all of the clothing Naomi House kept in a barn. We spent 24 hours total doing this! Needless to say, I am so glad I do not work retail. 

After putting clothes that were holey, stained, faded, or dated in a give away pile, we finally got to put the clothes in bins that were labeled by size and gender.  Pictured below is the pile of clothes that will be given to the reservation and/or Goodwill. We also have a small pile to be given to the Women's home. 

The teenage boys were excited to find shirts and socks in their size. One of the boys layed on the couch with socks in his arms and had a huge smile. Come to find out, these socks were baby socks! He was so sad when he discovered this. 

Pictures below is some of our bins arranged by size and gender. This was before many clothes were put in the bins. Right is girls clothes, left is boys clothes. 

Thankfully, running my own 'shop' is done, and it's back to watching kids! 
Children from Naomi Ranch (long term kids) have come to the House to stay with us for a while. 

Let the adventure begin! 

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