Monday, June 23, 2014

Just Keep Swimming!

Today, we went swimming! 

Pool water in Kentucky is normally pretty chilly, no matter how warm it is outside.  I was bracing myself for chilly water at the pool in Arizona, but the water felt amazing!! Of course, it was cold when I stepped out of the pool. That is to be expected. Many of the teens and I were giving piggy back rides around the pool, and splashing each other. 

I was a bit apprehensive when some teenage girls moved into the NAOMI House...but I've grown to love it. After just a few short days, we have become like sisters. 

I have also grown very close to the other intern for the House. We have so much in common! We like the same movies, music, food, similar beliefs, similar taste in dudes... The list can go on, except she is a very picky eater haha. 

Funny story of the day: I was playing around with a kid today, and she randomly exclaimed, 'I am not a Cheeto!'

Funny story of the day 2: I was shopping at a souvenir shop with my grandma and cousins. The cashier dude was continually saying that 'this item was made by a Navajo' or 'these bracelets were strung by a Navajo' in a voice that is normally used for babies. I wanted to say, 'I currently live with Navajo children. They made these bracelets!' while holding up my wrist, showing off rubber band bracelets these children have made for me. 

I can already tell that I will be an endless pit of emotions when I leave in less than four weeks! :( but I will not let this get me down! I am having a blast here, and I will continue to do so! :) 

Also, we had Navajo tacos at church yesterday. The shell is fried bread, but the inside of the taco is the same. It was very yummy, but I was perplexed as to how to eat the taco. I couldn't fold it and eat it because it was so full. I couldn't cut it all together because it was thick. So I created a taco salad by dumping the taco filling, and ripping up the shell! All of the teenage boys were staring at me like I was weird.  

Elizabeth (the other intern) and I also sang Veggie Tale songs during this time... The teens absolutely hated it. I have decided to use Veggie Tale songs as an 'incentive' to do as I ask. 

Until next time, 

Ashley :)

1 comment:

  1. haha! I can just imagine you trying to eat that taco :P Keep having fun girl, I love hearing these stories!
