Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Spaghetti, Tumbleweed, and Dragons

Man, the past couple days have been packed with some fun stuff! 
Yesterday, I made my first large meal. It may have been just spaghetti and meat sauce, but it was still yummy and fed so many kids. 

Have you ever heard of the song 'Taking it Easy' by the Eagles? In the song, it mentions 'standing on the corner of Winslow, Arizona'. Because of this, Winslow has a statue of the lead singer and it's own souvenir shop!

You know those tumbleweeds that are always shown in movies? The plants that those tumbleweeds are made of (the plant turns into tumbleweed when it dries out... I think) are everywhere on the propery of Naomi House... And everywhere in Arizona. I happened to brush against some of it today and my leg broke out in hives!! After taking Benadryl, all is well and no more hives. 

A church group that has been here the past week took us to watch How to Train a Dragon 2 today. It was an awesome movie! I was laughing the whole time. If you watch it, be prepared for anything though. I was pretty devastated near the end of the movie. But thankfully, the movie redeemed itself. 

The scenery in Arizona is beautiful. You can see for miles, and there is almost always mountains in the distance. Even the bridges across roads have designs on them! 

In other news, I made the President's list for the past spring semester! I have always made the Dean's list, so I am pretty excited to make the President's list. You make that particular list by having a 4.0 gpa while having at least 12 credit hours. 

Until next time,
Ashley :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're having so much fun!!! :D You should take a picture of a tumbleweed, I'd like to see it haha. Keep having fun girl!
